Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When I began my business in late 2001 right after the 911 attacks I never thought it would end up where it is today. When I began my company I did it on a shoestring budget and a great radio station called KSEV extended credit to me to run my first ads on the radio. I was the first computer repair company that would drive to a house and fix your computer. My company was called Joey's Computers. I had a kangaroo mascot and everything. I ran the company by the book and before you know it I had 15 employees and paid taxes on all of them. I paid the State Taxes which I collected from customers and I paid all of my income taxes. (So I thought) After about 2003 I invited a business partner into the fold (big mistake) Against everyones advice I did it anyway. Well a few years later voila a very nasty split occurred.  At this point the company tanked and I lost most everything. Owing the state 28K and the Federal Government over 54K. So I entered into an installment agreement with the Federal Government otherwise known as everyones favorite the IRS. I did this a) to buy more time in hopes that I could recover and b) to pay what I could.

Recently I was offered a great job in Austin Texas for a company. I went through 12 technical interviews, they flew me there and everything. Once I was completed I was told that my offer was contingent on a background check. A day later they reached out to me and said they were sorry I did not qualify because there was a tax lien on my credit.  I was shocked, here I am a US Citizen that has always done everything by the book and I am very qualified to do this work and I lost the opportunity because of a tax lien on my credit.

I find that this act of evil bestowed upon citizens is counterproductive. If the IRS wants to be paid they should enable people to work. Instead they run you into the ground seizing everything and creating a vacuum that you can't get out of.  I have read many hard working people like myself never been in trouble with the law, have children, families and we all get destroyed by one agency that calls itself a 'Service' Well they can keep their crappy service and shove it up their IRS.


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